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Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja kauppatieteiden tiedekunnan tiedekuntaneuvosto
Pöytäkirja 11.10.2021/Pykälä 9



Dnro 432/01.01.03/2021


Valmistelija  Marko Junkkarinen

§ 8

Dekaanin ehdotus yliopistotutkijan/apulaisprofessorin, neuro-impakti ja innovaatio (vakinaistamispolku, Tenure Track) tehtävään otettavasta, tiedekuntaneuvoston kuuleminen

Itä-Suomen yliopiston johtosäännön 10 §:n dekaanin tehtävänä on tehdä ehdotus rehtorille kahdeksi vuodeksi tai sitä pidemmäksi ajaksi professorin tehtävään valittavasta ja opetus- ja tutkimushenkilöstön neliportaisen uramallin vakituiseen tehtävään sekä vakinaistamispolun tehtävään valittavasta tiedekuntaneuvostoa kuultuaan.?


Yliopistotutkijan/apulaisprofessorin, neuroimpakti ja innovaatio (vakinaistamispolku, Tenure Track) tehtävä on sijoitettu kauppatieteiden laitokselle (Kuopion kampus). Tehtävä on ollut haettavana 5.5.2021 päättyneenä hakuaikana. Tehtävää hakivat (6): PhD Ahen Frederick Amenyaw, PhD Bagheri Afsaneh, FT Kaarakainen Minna, FT Mikkonen Jarno, KTT Montonen Tero ja FT Esko Terhi. Hakijayhteenveto liitteenä.


Tehtäväkuvauksen mukaan: "The position of Assistant Professor/Associate Professor of Neuro-impact and Innovation is a Tenure Track position at the University of Eastern Finland. The position will be hosted by the Business School at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies, more specifically by the specialisation of Innovation Management. The Business School of the University of Eastern Finland operates on both the Kuopio and Joensuu campuses. The position is located in Kuopio.


The position is attached to the membership of Innovation Management in the multidisciplinaryNeuroscience Research Community at the University of Eastern Finland with a specific focus on neuro-impact and innovation. A more holistic understanding is required of how interdisciplinary neuroscience research can increase its societal impact and innovation outcomes, such as the provision of earlier diagnosis, novel treatment, and user-centric services. Increased impact and innovation can be achieved through collaborative research strategies that engage scientists with the key stakeholders, such as business companies, hospitals, patient organisations and citizens. More knowledge is needed on how collaborative processes for impact and innovation are managed, evaluated, and prioritised in research teams and projects. The currently vacant position contributes to a new research area on the management of co-creative, interdisciplinaryand inter-sectoral neuroscience research, which will accelerate the production of neuro-impact and innovation in basic, translational, and clinical neuroscience research.


In the currently vacant position, the Tenure Track can be entered from the Assistant Professor or the Associate Professor level onwards. At the end of the term, the merits of the person will be evaluated to determine whether they can proceed to the next level of the Tenure Track, i.e. be appointed from an Assistant Professor to an Associate Professor position, or from an Associate Professor to a Professor position without public notice of vacancy. The criteria, objectives, and results to be achieved during the term to proceed to the next level of the Tenure Track will be agreed in detail with the appointee when signing the contract of employment.


The specialisation of neuro-impact and innovation in this position offers education in Innovation Management, especially concerning collaborative co-creation of brain health innovation and impact. The person to be appointed to the currently vacant Assistant Professor/Associate Professor position is expected to have expertise in research and education in these areas.


A person to be appointed as an Assistant Professor/Associate Professor in the Tenure Track must hold a suitable doctoral degree and have good teaching skills (UEF University Regulations, Section 31).


In this position, a suitable doctoral degree refers to a PhD or a Doctor of Science in Economicsand Business Administration degree in, e.g. innovation management, management and business, organisation studies, or social studies in science and innovation.


Furthermore, a person to be appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Tenure Track must have the prerequisites for fulfilling the qualification requirements of an Associate Professor by the end of the Tenure Track term, and the person to be appointed as an Associate Professor in the Tenure Track must have the prerequisites for fulfilling the qualification requirements of a Professor by the end of the Tenure Track term (UEF University Regulations, Section 31).


The role of the Assistant Professor/Associate Professor is to conduct and promote research into neuro-impact and innovation and to participate in other activities of the Business School and the Neuroscience Research Community. In this position, teaching in Innovation Management can be delivered at all levels of academic education. The Assistant Professor/Associate Professor will actively participate in project activities, in the acquisition of national and international research funding, and in international research networks as part of the Innovation Management membership in the Neuroscience Research Community at the University of Eastern Finland.


The Assistant Professor/Associate Professor is expected to have demonstrated achievements in research addressing innovation, impact, and management as social processes. They should also have experience in both university-level teaching and supervision.

When assessing a candidate's achievements in research, emphasis will be placed on

interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral research collaboration and publications, experience in

managing and leading research, and previous success in securing research funding.


The Assistant Professor/Associate Professor is expected to have excellent skills in the English language and to be able to supervise students and give teaching in English.

The position will be filled for a fixed term of four years as from 1 August 2021. The position is filled for a fixed term due to it being a Tenure Track position."


Kyseisen tehtävän tehtäväntäyttötoimikunta (apulaisprofessori Saara Julkunen (pj.), professori Pia Heilmann, professori Raija Komppula, professori Anu Puusa ja professori Pasi Syrjä) on esittänyt, että tehtävä avataan tasolta apulaisprofessori ja tehtävään otetaan KTT Tero Montonen 1.11.2021 lukien. Tehtäväntäyttötoimikunnan laatima valintamuistio on liitteenä.


Tehtäväntäyttötoimikunnan puheenjohtajan päätöksellä KTT Tero Montonen on vapautettu opetusnäytteen antamisesta, sillä hänen opetusansionsa käyvät ilmi hakemusasiakirjoista. KTT Tero Montonen täyttää johtosäännössä mainitut apulaisprofessorin palvelussuhteen ehdot ja tehtävämäärityksessä mainitut edellytykset.


Dekaanin ehdotus rehtorille on, että KTT Tero Montonen otetaan apulaisprofessorin, neuroimpakti ja innovaatio, vakinaistamispolku (Tenure Track) tehtävään 1.11.2021 lukien neljän vuoden määräajaksi. Määräaikaisuuden perusteena on vakinaistamispolku, Tenure Track.


Esitys  Dekaani kuulee tiedekuntaneuvostoa ehdotuksesta KTT Tero Montosen ottamisesta apulaisprofessorin, neuroimpakti ja innovaatio, vakinaistamispolku, Tenure Track tehtävään 1.11.2021 lukien neljän vuoden määräajaksi.


Päätös Esityksen mukainen.